Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ira's Insights (November 2008)

Mark asked me to express my opinion about the Drug and Alcohol prevention program in Marganets. The first thing that came to my mind was that working for MUCH, I always experience something new. Someone may say: this is just your life experience. I would agree with that person, but I would add that it is God who lets me grow and realize that we can change a lot of things with His might and His strength.

It was in autumn 2006 when Mark invited Nadezda from Illichevsk to go to Marganets to give some lessons about drug and alcohol prevention for the children in the orphanage. At that time, the children had a serious problem – many of them sniffed glue. Even now I remember Nadezda’s lesson. The children were listening to her very attentively. Each of them was taking an active part in the conversation. Before my eyes the children were changing. I saw their eyes were brighter. Their little inner worlds were changing. They were becoming bigger. During the lesson, some of the children's personal conflicts were solved. Even after the lesson, many children were following Nadezda to ask her questions that they worried about. Next time that Mark went to Marganets, the assistant director of the orphanage told him that the number of children who sniffed the glue was less. It was a good sign.

Unfortunately Nadezda couldn’t go to Marganets very often because of her ministry at the church in Illichevsk. Mark was concerned about the children. He understood that they needed someone who could help them to understand why they live; for what purpose they have come to this world; how to begin to love themselves and other people.

Soon God answered our need. He introduced us to a person who has a desire to give such kind of lessons to the children. She has a heart full of love and compassion towards children at the orphanage. The name of this woman is Olga. She lives in Marganets and can go to the children not only three or four times a year, but every week. I believe that this program will continue to change the lives and the future of the little children at the Marganets orphanage who need spiritual support day by day.

Until next time,

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