Friday, November 7, 2008

Ira's Insight (October 2008)

My greetings to everybody. Have you ever felt that you had a grip on how things happen in this life, and then in one moment you meet someone who changes your attitude? It happened with me last week. I have called it a great surprise. It was my work with the manual therapist (chiropractic) who came from America. I had the privilege to translate for Dr. Anderson for a couple of days.
Before his coming I had heard some stories from my friends who had had good experiences with manual therapy. They had a positive attitude because their results were wonderful. It was a time in Ukraine when people who needed the help of a manual therapist began to go to the doctor who lived in Kobiljaky, Ukraine. People told stories of wonderful healing. At that time I could only listen to the stories.
Now I am ready to share my own story with you. For me, it was an unusual treatment that I had never watched or experienced. It was wonderful! After the first session, I didn’t feel any pain in my shoulders and in my lower back. Then for several days I watched how people came to the doctor to be treated. In the beginning, some of them came alone with some guarded curiosity, but after the session, they brought their friends and families to the doctor. Even after his departure, many people called and asked me to pass their greetings and thanks to him. Most of his Ukrainian patients experienced manual therapy for the first time in their lives.

Until next time,

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