Friday, December 17, 2010

November 2010 MUCH Newsletter

Hello family and friends,

As Christmas draws near, we are focused on our Christmas Fundraiser. The 400 plus children that we help each year are not expecting anything under the Christmas tree. For most of them, Christmas is only a story. But, MUCH continues to provide hope for their future, especially through our major outreach programs: Marganets Orphanage, Emmaus Food Program and Massage Therapy Program.

Marganets OrphanageIn 2002, I met the children of the Marganets Orphanage. Since then, MUCH has provided appropriate clothing, the Drug and Alcohol Awareness program, the Computer program, the Music and Dance Program, and the Massage Program, adding new dimensions to their lives. The children are displaying enthusiasm in their personal lives and positive educational attitudes, looking forward to a more promising future. Your support will help us to continue this progress.

Emmaus Food ProgramThat same year, I met the children of the Emmaus Food Program. MUCH has provided financial assistance to this program, improving the nutritional quality of the meals and supporting the life skills training program. Four years ago, we began to break the cycle of poverty in the lives of some of these children by offering travel scholarships that enable them to attend higher education in nearby Odessa. Your support will help us continue to change lives through higher education.

Massage Therapy ClinicThe unmet needs of disabled children from families with limited income came to my attention, and, after deliberation with local officials and parent organizations, MUCH opened the Massage Therapy Clinic in Illichevsk in 2004. During the past six years, MUCH has been changing children’s lives through the medical practice of massage. Not only are we changing their lives and that of their families, but also in the community, people are opening their eyes and their hearts to the needs of these children. Your support will ensure the clinic can continue to operate on a full time basis.

The MUCH Budget Committee will meet soon to establish the 2011 budget to determine to what extent the three major outreach programs can continue to be supported. Based on that conclusion, the status of the three annually supported programs—Marganets Transition Home, Dobromel Orphanage and Froonza Massage—will be evaluated. Your contributions to the Christmas Fundraiser will help MUCH continue to make a huge difference in the lives of many of the children in Ukraine. We have only just begun to share the love of Christ through your efforts. We have only just begun to change the future of Ukraine through their children. Please join us in this worthy adventure.

November has once again taken me on the road. This year, I received my visa in Krakow, Poland. Thanks to a contact in Krakow, a young man named Konrad helped me find my way to the Ukrainian Embassy. After receiving my visa a few days later, another young man, Paul, helped me buy a train ticket, and he invited me to a prayer meeting. There, I met a group of university students who are interested in coming to the Dobromel Orphanage in Ukraine to help the children.

I am writing this newsletter from the home of the Demborinski's in Ternopol, Ukraine. Bogdan and Luda have been my friends since we met at missionary school in 2002. I will be here a few days before moving on to Borislav to meet with Pastor Volodya. We will travel to visit the children in the Dobromel Orphanage. I will return to Illichevsk by the last day of November.

Ira is anxious to share more with you about Sasha's adventure (see below).

Our contribution to help Sasha travel to Israel was not in our budget.  Orphanage #2 in Marganets is hoping that we can offer them some financial help in 2011 to meet a few of their many needs. They have seen the difference that our financial help over the years has made for the children at Orphanage #3. Your contributions to the Christmas Fundraiser will help us to continue our level of support for our major outreaches, which in turn will allow us to continue to support the annual projects and possibly respond to unique needs such as Sasha’s.  As you make your Christmas plans, walk a few steps in the shoes of our children. Consider how your gift can alter their lives in 2011.

Blessings of love and healing,

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